michelle grawer

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Michelle had always dreamt of having the perfect family with the white picket fence, but after 22 years of marriage, she made the decision to file for divorce. After Michelle realized there was no turning back on her decision, she remembered several months prior at a networking meeting, meeting two ladies who had started a “divorce concierge” business. Wanting to be properly represented because she was unaware of the divorce process, the most significant financial decision she made was hiring un⋄tied. She had watched several friends go through the divorce process, and unfortunately their experiences were not handled justly. Her experience was different. “Amy and Sheri were my voice of reason. They explained the process and their strategic approach helped me realize that I needed to view the divorce with a “business minded lens.” Michelle’s attorney complimented her on how she handled herself working through the process. “Making the decision to hire un⋄tied significantly helps in the divorce process. I will forever be grateful for the support I received!” 


Michelle decided to join forces with un*tied because she’s an advocate for women. For the last 10 years she has built one of the top National teams in a billion-dollar skincare company that offers opportunities to partner with the brand. She has personally trained and mentored thousands of new partners to help them reach personal and financial goals. She has helped women realize their potential. “We all have the ability to write our own success story. I am personally excited to help our clients bring their best foot forward in the divorce process.”